Personal, Travel

Beach day (video)

Ever have those days that just feel like its all “go, go, go!” and you just keep going until you feel like you haven’t seen each other all week?

Last  week was definitely one of those. So Hubster surprised us by loading up the car and taking us to the coast for a day.

We sat down sometime just before the start of the New Year and discussed making a small change to our schedules. We both love trips, camping, and adventuring, but we were having a hard time fitting it in sometimes. In many ways we are very much a broke college couple 😀 So figuring something that lets us go exploring but not cost a lot is a big win-win. We decided to try to do something no matter how big or small once a month and one family outing once a week. (even if its just to the store together)

Its always nice to get away and reconnect. Plus, the beach has been a special place for us. It was also Bro-Bro’s first beach trip. He doesn’t like wind in his face, and of course, it was windy haha.


And of course no beach trip would be complete for us without, a trip to one of those local seaside candy shoppes and Mo’s for a fresh bowl of chowder!

And by the way- Molasses taffy is AHmazing!


I love these little adventures with my family, watching the kids playing in the sand, the heart to hearts Hubster and I share as the kids snooze in the back seat.

If you are interested in seeing a little clip I made of the day you can check it out on my youtube channel here: ~click here for video~

Thanks for stopping by!

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